Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Alphabet Pasta with Recipe

Do you have a preschooler who is a  fussy eater at home?. Here is the trick to make them eat, play and learn.  ALPHABET PASTA. I took the pasta which is made of wheat hence is healthy. My lil one loved it. She had a bowl full to eat and a bowl full to play with.


For Pasta:
Alphabet Pasta , Oil,  Water, Salt

For Gravy:
Oil / Butter, Tomato Puree, Onions chopped, Cilantro / Coriander leaves, Red chilli powder, Salt, Grated Carrot ( Beans, boiled potatoes and peas can also be included), Mustard seeds, this slices of Garlic,

  • Add Alphabet pasta to boiling water. Add some salt and refined oil to it.
  • After 5 minutes of boiling remove alphabets from fire, drain the hot water using a strainer and rinse hot pasta under flowing cold water.
  • Add some cooking butter in a pan and add some mustard seeds.
  • When they splutter add 1 tsp of chopped onions. Once they turn translucent, add Garlic slices and fry for few seconds.
  • Then add grated carrot and saute.
  • Add some Red Chilli powder and Coriander powder.
  • Add some tomato puree and little salt . 
  • Let it cook for some time. 
  • When the gravy thickens and oil starts coming out, add cooked alphabets and stir gently.
  • Keep the lid on, lower the flame and cook for 5 minutes.
  • It's ready to serve
  • You may add some fresh cilantro / coriander leaves.

The yummy alphabets are ready to eat and teach.

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